About Me

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A food technologist by education, techno- commercial by profession and a foody at heart. Discovering and appreciating good food is my habit and experimenting with various flavors, and cooking techniques my passion! Food styling is my hobby and eating a favourite! Why this blog name? Because I always look for the green dot, because I am a vegetarian - no egg,no gelatin! I believe that you can find good food anywhere, sometimes at the places you least expect!I also believe that food is meant to be shared and its okay when you offer somebody your favourite food and secretly wish that he refuses so that you can have it all by yourself!Good food is omnipresent! You need to have the nose for it :)


Friday, July 19, 2013

Vegan Fondant

Vegan Fondant

The main reason why most other home-made fondant recipes cannot be considered vegan is because they contain gelatin or marshmallows as thickeners. One vegan alternative is agar agar.


* 3/4 tsp agar agar powder
* 1/8 cup cold water
* 1/4 cup liquid glucose
* 1 tbsp vegetable shortening
* 1/2 tablespoon glycerin
* a little more than 2 cups icing
* 1 tsp vanilla extract or other flavoring


1. Start by sifting the icing sugar into a bowl through a large metal strainer. You can see how all the big lumps are broken up and the icing sugar is nice and airy. This will make kneading later on easier and you will avoid having icing sugar lumps in the fondant.
2 Mix the agar powder with water in a small saucepan and let it soak for a while. It will become of a thicker, gelatinous consistency. After about 10 minutes place the saucepan on the stove top on low heat. The goal is to dissolve the agar mixture. This has to be done slowly. (Otherwise the water will simply evaporate and agar speckles are left in the bottom of the pan.) Stir constantly and add more water by the tablespoon as needed so the mixture doesn't dry out.When you see that all the agar powder is dissolved (it will take probably around 10 minutes) take the pan from the heat.
3 Now, add the glucose/corn syrup and shortening. Stir the mixture until all of the shortening dissolves. Stir in glycerin and flavoring.
4.Put half of the sifted icing sugar into another bowl. Make a well and pour in the agar mixture. Stir together with a spatula as much as possible adding more icing sugar when needed. When you can't stir anymore start kneading in the icing sugar as needed by hand. 5 Form the fondant into a ball.
6. Portion into 4 parts and knead in the desired colours.
7. This fondant can be used in various ways to decorate.I had some muffins in hand, so practiced on that.

PS:Will upload step by step tutorial soon :)

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